Eugene talks about his recovery from the Jerez crash

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Eugene Laverty has spoken about his recovery from the testing crash at Jerez – about the surgery, his progress so far, and his ongoing return to fitness…

“Well the crash was almost three weeks ago now and I am making good progress with my recovery. I had surgery in Barcelona the day after the crash and for a week or so after there wasn’t much improvement because it took my body that time to recover from the big impact with the tyre wall. Now the wrist feels okay, Dr. Mir did a fantastic job with that, and last Thursday he removed the cast and stitches so I have been able to begin physiotherapy and it is improving very quickly. Dr. Mir was really happy with what he saw when he removed the cast and I am too, because it has only been three weeks and the progress has been incredible. He is a very good surgeon and we will stay in regular contact throughout my physiotherapy, although there should be no need for me to go back to Barcelona for any further treatment now.
The other smaller injuries like my right shoulder, neck and back are feeling much better but it all takes time. Now I am undergoing physiotherapy on my wrist and shoulder here in Monaco to try and increase the movement. It is a case of completing small exercises to make sure I don’t lose muscle or movement and allow my body to recover. I said after the crash I would need six weeks to recover, we are halfway through that and I am confident in a few more weeks I will be fit. I am planning to start my cardio work again tomorrow on the stationary bicycle, it is just my strength work that I will have to adapt and I can’t run just yet because the shoulder is too uncomfortable. It’s important for me to be patient and not do too much too soon but as a racer that is never easy! In the mornings my head is still a bit sore and the neck is stiff, which is normal after such a big crash, but usually after a month that begins to settle down so I think in a week or so I will be able to really step things up.”

Source: Aspar Media